Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Operation Bookkeeper

The last library help-out was extremely successful last semester, which is why I will once again be returning to the Renton Library to help the librarians out for the day. At the end of the last volunteer day, the librarians were extremely grateful for our help and also invited us back any time. Currently, I am coordinating with Jennifer W. to organize a date and time. So far, we have agreed on the date of April 2, 2011 from 2-4.

There shouldn't be many challenges while working on this project. One of the hardest things will be helping the volunteers find the library itself. Last time, some members had trouble finding the library, which caused them to be about ten minutes late. With better directions, this shouldn't be a problem this time.

There will only be a couple milestones on this project, and they will be coming up quickly. On March 28, I would like to have a confirmed date and time set. After March 28, I will remind each volunteer everyday the date and time. I would also like to have all people confirm that they are able to work on April 2, and if anybody can't I would like to find a replacement a.s.a.p.! The other milestone will be on April 2, when we go to the library and help.

To ensure that I reach all of my milestones, I must stay in touch will all the people helping and also with Jennifer W.. This will ensure that everything runs smoothly and we are able to much this volunteer opportunity even more successful than the last one.

There are no materials needed to successfully carry out this project. However, I will need people to help out with the projects. They will also have to know how to use the self check-in and check-out systems in place at the library. I learned how to do this last time, so I will be able to teach the new volunteers who haven't volunteered before.

This project needs about five to six people total, and I have already found these people. Their roles in this project will be following the directions given to them by the librarian. This will help lighten the workload of the librarians at the Downtown Renton Library.

The following people will be helping with Operation Bookkeeper:
Tyler C.
Rangsey T.
Olivia O.
Lea O.
Milia K.
Ariel W.