Monday, November 29, 2010

Project in the Making...

For my next independent project, I am trying to coordinate with King County to set up a volunteer opportunity at the Downtown Renton Public Library. It should take place in December and maybe over winter break. I recently e-mailed the KCLS volunteer services coordinator and she told me that she would talk to some of her contacts. And today, I received an e-mail from a person at one of the Libraries I was looking to volunteer at. More details to come...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Project Complete!

The road clean-up was extremely successful. Everyone involved had a great time and got to help improve the environment at the same time! We had to spilt into two groups of three so that the road could be cleaned in a timely manner. One group started at one end while the other started at the other and the two groups met in the middle. Some of the people were unable to come so we were limited to six people all together. It also started to rain part way in, but thankfully everyone had some sort of rain gear. Everyone was amazed by the amount of trash that was found. We couldn't believe that people could willingly littler and hurt the environment. We found objects ranging from broken mailboxes to Styrofoam containers. With our help, we were able to improve the condition of the road and make it a better looking community. As we were cleaning, many people approached us and thanked us for our help in making their community a better place. If I were to do this project again, I would not do anything differently. It was a ton of fun and was extremely effective.